Monday, May 21, 2018

Unattended Ubuntu install using preseed update

In this blog I wrote about usnig isomaster to modify an Ubuntu iso.

As this does not always work as expected - modifying the image does work, but using the image on an usb-stick does not, I will provide an update on how to accomplish that.

Download an official Ubuntu ISO image. And run the follownig commands:

# mkdir -p /media/ubuntu
# mount -o loop Ubuntu.iso /media/ubuntu

Now we copy the contents of the ISO to a new directory

# cd /media
# tar -cvf - ubuntu | cd (/var/tmp/ && tar -xf - )

In this directory (var/tmp/ubuntu) we can make all the necessary modifications we need.

# cd /var/tmp/ubuntu
# mkisofs -o ../remastered.iso -b isolinux/isolinux.bin -c isolinux/ 
-no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 -boot-info-table -J -R -V UBUNTU .

The created ISO does not work yet. You still need to execute
# isohybrid /var/tmp/remastered.iso

Now you can use unetbootin or start up disk creator to burn the image.